tirsdag 31. mai 2011

Children and Ladybugs

The happiness of a child. The time a child uses. All the time in the world. Sometimes nowadays, I try to be a little childish. Not in the childish-play-a-game kind of childish. More like taking-my-time-home-from-school-studying-things-and-enjoying-life childish. About children, they are worth listening to. You might laugh because you think they seem silly, but it's so interesting what they're thinking about. They might not know all the words we do and might not formulate sentences as good, but they are interested in things we might ignore. Might have forgot. Might never even thought of. Just listen to them. Listen closely. You might learn something.

About that childish thingy: Since I take the bus home from school, I can't walk home. And since I have a lot of homework and stuff at home I don't have all the time in the world either. At least that's what I've been telling myself. Today, I stopped and looked at the sort of pit/river of water next to the bus stop. I haven't noticed it in a really long time. Yesterday, I stopped and took pictures of a ladybug. Thanks to you dear Ladybug, for your patience.

Pasta. Good. Really good indeed. It's weird how food tastes different from time to time, place to place. If you're in a good mood, the food will taste delicious. If you're in a bad mood, the food won't even go down. If you eat something in Italy or France or anyplace, it will not taste the same as home. A dish could taste wonderful in Spain, but when you made it at home, it wasn't the same success.

- Seriously Curious

søndag 29. mai 2011

WalkingOnWater and OtherPlacesOutThere

Wouldn't it be nice to walk on water? Would it be like standing on the floor in my living room, or would I go up and down with the waves? Could I be standing on one foot without sinking? Could I sit down? If I tripped a ball, would it come up again or would it just lay there on the surface? Would the fishes bite me? Could something in the water pull me down? Could I have a ride with a dolphin? Is there some shoes that can make that possible?

Hand cream.

Love Song - Sara Bareilles. Suddenly one day while I was at work, BAM, the song was in my head. Such a long time since I've heard it. The song is just lovely, great, wonderful. To me, it's a summer song, and since it's summer soon, I welcome it back into my life with a smile.

So, I've been thinking about something. I wonder if there are others planets like ours, or not like ours, out there. Maybe they live in the Stone Age, or maybe they will visit us soon with their super-fancy spacecraft. I wonder if they look like us or if they look totally different. Maybe they have the same problems like us or maybe they live in something called peace. Hard to understand. I will probably mention this later on too.

- Seriously Curious

tirsdag 24. mai 2011

Rebecca Black and a Kitchen

How do phones work? I know there's probably a logic solution, but it's weird. I can stand in my kitchen cutting tomatoes while talking into some little black (or yellow or pink or blue or...) thing to someone in China. There's no wire or anything to connect us. Just two weird things that we speak into.

"The Scream" by Edvard Munch is pretty famous. I wonder how some people and pictures become so popular while others don't... Just look at Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black. Only coincidences got them were they are. Rebecca Black just sang a song, then everyone told her she was crap. I don't think she's crap, but I don't love her song "Friday" either. I don't get why everyone cares so much about a girl who just made a song and a music video. There is a lot of people out there doing that. And it's not the worst song ever made when everyone is walking around singing it.

If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the Kitchen.

- Seriously Curious

torsdag 19. mai 2011

Ron Weasley and Forrest Gump

The Script is so good. Yesterday they were live on livestream.com. Love their accent. I like that they can play some music, answer questions and be normal in front of the camera live. I feel that the audience connect easy with them.

"Run, Forrest, run!" Love it. He's so cute.

Same for Ron.

Sofas. I like them. They're so... nice. Some of them. Not all of them. But the cosy, nice ones, I like. They can make a room look much better (or worse).  Nice pillows can sit on them and make themselves comfortable so that we can sit on them and feel comfortable. We can even take a nap or sleep on them. In a crisis, having a drunk friend home or a guest to many, the sofa is right there waiting.

- Seriously Curious

fredag 13. mai 2011

Jack Sparrow and Rabbits

Genious. I laughed. Hard. Things We All Do. Check it out.

Cute. Almost like Jack Sparrow.

- Seriously Curious

Jim Carrey and Prada

Yeah, so, as usual, I was thinking about something. Actually, I was talking to my mum about it. Yes, I do talk to my mum. So, my mum and I were talking about standing for what you do. You know, if you feel ashamed about something and can’t stand for it, don’t do it. Don’t pretend that you are something you’re not. People will accept you as you are. Just accept yourself first. And if you know that what you’re doing is wrong, why bother? Live like you want to live. Don’t waste your time doing things you don’t like. It might be easy saying it and you might think, of course. I know that. But it’s harder for me. My situation is different. But no, don’t think that. You can too. Just stand for what you’re doing. If you can’t; think about why you’re doing it.

And that reminds me about something else. Start saying yes! You see, I saw Yes Man the other day. Genius film, btw. Love Jim Carrey. So, skip the no and start saying yes. Take impulses. Life gets way more exciting. I guarantee you, 99%.

Does this look good? Well, it's not. It's not so bad, but I've tasted better.
I have no idea what was on this thing before, but it all got deleted. So I don't know where it went. You know, where do all the things that gets deleted go? Does Internet eat it? Grrr.
- Seriously Curious

torsdag 12. mai 2011

Spoons and Fainting

I bet that not all of you know how it's like to faint. Well, it's not fun. Maybe later. But when it happens, so not funny. The most irritating thing is that I can't remember what I was dreaming about. Because, yeah, I dream when I faint. I don't know how it is for others, but that's what I do. I've (only) fainted two times, but still, there's the dreaming. I do remember what I dreamt of the first time. Kind of. Or just one picture. There was a prince. A nice one I think. I guess every girl has had a dream about a prince. The prince. I don't know.

You know spoons? This is a long spoon. But there are big spoons, small spoons, old spoons, nice spoons, designed spoons, weird spoons and a lot of other spoons. So when I was eating Ice Cream a few days ago, I chose a small spoon. That way I could enjoy the Ice Cream longer. So that's not a bad idea. If you just want to eat something really fast, choose the big one, if you want to enjoy it, choose the small one.

This fruit, I like. Or actually, it's not a fruit, it's a berry. Google it and you'll see.

Listen to this guy, Chase Coy. I like the song If The Moon Fell Down Tonight.

- Seriously Curious

søndag 8. mai 2011

Sun and Statues

Light and shadow. This picture is taken on a sunny day. In a park. In Berlin. In Germany. It's nice. That someone has taken their time to hang up a ribbon on this tree. In a park. In Berlin. In Germany. It's not the only one, but I like it. It's nice and red. With dots on it. And it reminds me of summer. Here's a picture of a key:

I was just wondering... Or just thinking... About keys. You know, there're millions of them! For cars, houses, diaries, cabinets, machines... All different.... Not all of them, but you get the picture. How can they make enough of them? Maybe my house key fits in a door in France. I don't know.

And statues... How do they make them? They must have some talent. Lots of talent. The faces and bodies and all. They look like real people and objects. It's fascinating. And the cobblestone. All the streets that are covered by it. Someone has worked hard for that. The paths up the mountains... Someone has discovered the possibilities of that too. How often do we think about the hard work of the others before us? Honestly.
A bike:

Also from Berlin.

- Seriously Curious

fredag 6. mai 2011

Classrooms and Brownies

A classroom actually means a lot. Yeah, I mean, we're going to sit there for over an hour. Sometimes longer, sometimes many times per week, sometimes whole days. There has to be windows in a classroom. That's a must. If not, it feels like being locked in a cellar or something.

Britney Spears has windows in the classroom in her music video. And sun. Just so you know.

So this is not a real radio. It's a notebook. And my picture. But radio and music in general... I don't know what I would have done without it. In bad times, in good times, when I clean the house (not that often, but you get the point), when I'm working, when I'm on the bus, when I'm bored, when I'm mad, when I want to dance, when I want to relax... Just... Always. Music in my Heart.

This ice cream is YumYum! Seriously. It has Brownies in it! It melts on your tongue... MMmMMmM. Since I'm not eating ice cream so often, I really enjoy it when I first get the chance. Ice cream is good while watching a movie. Ice cream is good while looking at someone who's working out. Ice cream is good in a sofa. Ice cream is good in the summer. Winter, too. It's just nice.
I'm going to end this whole thing with a picture of a cool eraser. It's from Manchester and has a lot of colours:

-Seriously Curious

torsdag 5. mai 2011

Roses and Beds

When I sat in a red chair yesterday, I saw a red rose. A fake one. But the real ones are so beautiful, but still so dangerous. The tags can make serious injures. But beautiful, yes.

And today, in my class, I thought of how wonderful friends are. What would one do without friends? I'm glad that isn't my case. I have friends. Good friends. Some better than others. That's not a bad thing, though. Everyone have some friends they rely on more than others. I guess it is all about love. Love can make us insecure, lonely, sad, angry, annoyed, happy, secure, loveable... and so on. Our whole day can be ruined or improved by a person's actions or words. We can say that we don't care what people say, what anyone say, but deep-down inside, we all do. Especially from one who we care about.

Stones... Aren't they weird? But so cool? We can sit on them, throw them, built something with them, break them, die because of them and paint them. Like us, they come in all kind of shapes and forms and weight and height. All unique. I like to sit on them, watch the sea and enjoy the view. There I can relax and take a deep breath and just live in the Here & Now. I think that everyone need a breather sometimes.

Beds, too, come in all shapes and forms. It's weird, that we need to rest, to gather energy. We just lay there, and the next thing we know (if you don't count the dreaming), we're awake and it's morning.  Just, poof, and we're not conscious. Maybe that is what dying is like? I don't know...

-Seriously Curious (and right now, Conscious, too)

tirsdag 3. mai 2011

Camels and Photoshop

Camels. Interesting choice by God. Actually, probably all living things (and other things, of course) are interesting choices by God. But camels. Why create a camel? Because they're cool? Because they can go a long time in the desert? Ooh, that's probably why! Then the humans won't be by themselves when they're in the desert. Nice. I want a camel if I'm going for a walk in the desert. And when we talk about deserts. Here is a picture of a dessert:

MmmMmm. Looking good. But, of course, I don't know if it's good... A lot of food look good, but aren't. The same with commercials. Photoshop is every Commercial Maker's best friend. Just look at Madonna:

And when that is said, I really like Shantel VanSanten. She plays Quinn in One Tree Hill.

And Dani Shay. She who's being told that she looks like Justin Bieber. I'm not saying that she doesn't, but her music is really good.

Some cats are adorable, and some are not. That's just how it is. Some people call each other 'Day Dreamer', other call each other 'Love Carrot'.

- Seriously Curious

mandag 2. mai 2011

Birds and Clouds

Birds. Aren't they nice? Not the gulls though. But the others. Nice animals. They just fly. They can just say: "Hey, Wind! I want a ride!" And there they fly... Chilling... Enjoying life. I wonder what that feels like. Maybe like watching them through a camera? Isn't that nice? They look good on camera. They're lucky.

So, that's a nice picture. Calm. Like Switchfoot! But they're not that calm... But they do have birds on they're cover of Hello Hurricane!

"Hello, Hurricane. Just chilling up here, and you?" Maybe Switchfoot means the hurricane inside of us. That's probably it. It's not easy having a hurricane inside of you. Either it will find a way out of you or it will just try to ruin it for you. But we can fight hurricanes. Just build a solid house. And stay inside. But not before it's there. Right there. We can fight it first. And if we show it that we aren't afraid of it, it won't get us. We can blow it away. That would be fun! Just blow it away. Maybe set up a really cool tent. Aah, that's fun! Tents. It's cosy and fun. If it rains, we can hear it, but we don't have to get wet.

That looks nice on camera too. Camera... Wow. It must be one of the best inventions ever. Think about it. You push a button. You have the picture. You can look at it later. Thank you, John Strognofe! For trying to make us happy with your idea of a small thing that can save our memories. In 1685.
1685... James Scott rebelled against Catholic king James II in 1685. James was the Duke of Monmouth.

Wow. Being a Duke must be an honour. Especially when you're the first one. As James.

Any questions?

- Seriously Curious

New Blogspotter

So here I am. Trying to work out this Blogspot thingy. Actually, I just thought of something. Pizza would be really good right now! Pizza with cheese and chicken. Yum! Oooh, apple juice! Apple juice and pizza. That reminds me of a boat. Which boat I do not know. Maybe a boat you can live in? Or maybe a boat that you look at, and then, swoooossshh, it's not there anymore. I would like one of those. Then, I could go to Paris. In a boat. Or no, Paris is not near the sea... Hmm, got to re-think that one. Maybe.... Hmmm, do you know? I don't. Here's a picture of a butterfly:
I love butterflies. They are so pretty. And cute. Almost as cute as this picture:
Feel freee... I want to. Actually, I kinda do. Life. Live it like... something good. Life is good. It really should be. Not all the time maybe, but that's fine. It's like a roller-coaster. Ooh, that's a long time since. I wanna ride a roller-coaster! Do you wanna ride a roller-coaster?
Here's a picture of SIA:
Listen to her. She's really good. SIA in my heart.

- Seriously Curious