mandag 2. mai 2011

Birds and Clouds

Birds. Aren't they nice? Not the gulls though. But the others. Nice animals. They just fly. They can just say: "Hey, Wind! I want a ride!" And there they fly... Chilling... Enjoying life. I wonder what that feels like. Maybe like watching them through a camera? Isn't that nice? They look good on camera. They're lucky.

So, that's a nice picture. Calm. Like Switchfoot! But they're not that calm... But they do have birds on they're cover of Hello Hurricane!

"Hello, Hurricane. Just chilling up here, and you?" Maybe Switchfoot means the hurricane inside of us. That's probably it. It's not easy having a hurricane inside of you. Either it will find a way out of you or it will just try to ruin it for you. But we can fight hurricanes. Just build a solid house. And stay inside. But not before it's there. Right there. We can fight it first. And if we show it that we aren't afraid of it, it won't get us. We can blow it away. That would be fun! Just blow it away. Maybe set up a really cool tent. Aah, that's fun! Tents. It's cosy and fun. If it rains, we can hear it, but we don't have to get wet.

That looks nice on camera too. Camera... Wow. It must be one of the best inventions ever. Think about it. You push a button. You have the picture. You can look at it later. Thank you, John Strognofe! For trying to make us happy with your idea of a small thing that can save our memories. In 1685.
1685... James Scott rebelled against Catholic king James II in 1685. James was the Duke of Monmouth.

Wow. Being a Duke must be an honour. Especially when you're the first one. As James.

Any questions?

- Seriously Curious

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